Van Boom tot Schaal

Hout draaien als hobby

Tag: 1037

Subject: A pot for Dog treats
Created: 2021-04-14
Time spent: 6 hours

Wood: Pot: Maple, Lid: Cherry
Origin: My garden.

Date found: 2019

Description: The Maple for the pot had been under my lathe for over a year. Before that it was laying outside where I cut it up for firewood but overlooked it while collecting the logs. Must have been there for one-two years. The Cherry came from a tree that was pruned in 2019, pretty dry stuff by now. I was concerned that the Maple would be too far gone to make something decent (tearout) but it tuned out fine. Found a live woodworm in the Cherry but I managed to turn around all the holes. 

Finish: Yorkshire Grit. 
