Van Boom tot Schaal

Hout draaien als hobby

Tag: 1003

Subject: Live Edge Bowl for my new neighbor
Created: 2019-12-19
Time spent: about 4 hours.

Wood: Hawthorne (Meidoorn)
Origin: Hoofdweg 48, 4411 AR Rilland, NL
Coordinates: 51.417126, 4.178815
Date found: Sept 2019
The new neigbors were moving in and had cut down this tree.
Actually it was intended for the burn pile but after asking I got it for free!
Made this bowl from it as soon as the wood was usable but I have a lot more of it(!)

The trunk (1.5meter) was cut in ~30cm blanks and I prepared two for making bowls by cutting one piece in halves.
The grain-ends were painted (Aldi coating) and I stuck a piece of news paper on the wet paint to slow the drying. 

First I made a trial bowl which has slightly warped in the bottom, maybe also because it was a bit thin. 
On this one I made the walls & bottom a bit thicker because of that. 
The bowl has a recess on the bottom. 

Finish: Rustins Sanding Sealer.
Quite happy with the finish and the overall appearance.