Van Boom tot Schaal

Hout draaien als hobby

Tag: 1004

Subject: Natural edge Walnut bowl
Created: 2019-12-25
Time spent: about 6 hours, mostly sanding

Wood: Walnut
Origin: Hoofdweg 50, 4411 AR Rilland, NL
Coordinates: 51.417249, 4.177949
Date found: Spring 2019 I cut down this tree in my own frontgarden 
Cut quite a few turning blanks from this, most of them are still drying.

Just another small bowl, made from a crotch piece.
I like the edge you get from crotch pieces.
When turning, the moisture content was still around 25%.
My experience is that applying a finish slows the drying enough to prevent cracking.
There might still be some warping though. We'll see.

Finish: TungOil, a Chrismas present
Some toolmarks were still visible but I'm improving.
Initially I used Rustins Shellac based Sanding Sealer, applied with a paintbrush.
After drying, there was an ugly white shine with brushmarks clearly visible.
Maybe caused by the high moisture content of the wood?
On the inside, a lot of toolmarks showed up more pronounced under the sealer. 
I didn't like it at all so I sanded the piece again and tried with TungOil.