Van Boom tot Schaal

Hout draaien als hobby

Tag: 1054

Subject: The YTCCC2021 Challenge for June - a Box
Created: 2021-06-04
Time spent: 4 hours

Wood used: 

Box: Walnut cutoffs (wood from 2019) with a slice of unknown hardwood. 

Lid: Hardwood Pole I got from Frank@thetinyworkshop

Origin: My Garden & elsewhere
Date found: June 2021

Description: The glue-up for the box was already in the shop, waiting to be turned. I made it in April or May of 2021. Then Huw@woodenitbenice posted the #YTCCC2021 Chalenge for June and it was a Bandsaw box. Since I don't have a bandsaw I felt at liberty to make a Tablesaw Box instead. 

Finish: Sanding Sealer, Yorkshire Grit
