Van Boom tot Schaal

Hout draaien als hobby

Tag: 1012

Subject: Conventional Style, the Bark Beetle Bowl.
Created: 2020-05-09
Time spent: about 4 hours.

Wood: Unknown, possibly Willow
Origin: Communal Recycling Center Kruiningen
Coordinates: 51.457915, 4.037778
Date found: 2020-02-28 This was a chunk of the stem cut off by a chainsaw and dumped.
I cut it in half and used one section to make this bowl. 
The other half became a natural edge bowl (T1010) one week earlier.

When finding fine dust underneath the blank, I decided to turn it before it was eaten.
The outside seemed pretty dry (10-15% moisture) but it turned out the inside was still quite wet.
The bowl warped considerably while on the lathe and i was unable to deliver a round piece.
As such this must be considered a partial failure.

Finish: Thinned Sanding Sealer (Cellulose-based). Put on several coats in between sanding.